Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sneezy, itchy, watery eyes....

I can honestly say, its been well over 1.5 years since I have been sick with a bad cold such as the one I have right now. I was pretty sure it would only last a couple days, (started on Wed). However, last night, I was starting to feel warm, had a sinus headache, the whole works!! Not even sure what I took for meds last night, but I am pretty sure it didn't work, as I tossed and turned all night.........I couldn't breath, my head/face hurt so bad I thought I was going to die. I drove myself to the convenient clinic this afternoon and I do have a sinus infection. Got an antibiotic, and was on my way home.
As I was driving to town today to go to the clinic, I was checking out all the snow. I had some extra time, so was taking it all in. Holy crap, there's alot of snow here!! I have come up with a list of the GOOD and BAD of the fluffy white stuff. First, we will start with the good.
the GOOD:
**Snow looks very pretty after a new snow fall.
**It's fun to play in. (snowmen, Angels, sledding, making forts, snowmobiling) Which right now, if you were to lay in the snow to make angel, you will sink down about 12 least. And if you want to build a snowman, (you could actually make MANY snowmen here) your legs will sink so far into the snow, you would need help getting out. My brothers huge Lab was here yesterday and got stuck in the snow. LOL
**The moisture will be awesome for my green grass this summer. However, it will probably be a huge lake in my front yard through July. I may also have an indoor pool in my crawl space, that should be a huge hit with the neighbor kids...... The farmers I am sure will love the moisture, as well.
**The deer that like to frolic across the highways are also getting their poor legs stuck in the snow, making it hard for them to cross the roads. Good for me, bad for them.
**Snow days with NO school!! (which is also bad)
the BAD:
**TOO much shoveling, I'm tired of it, my sons tired of it, and I'm tired of paying for it.
**Makes for a very dirty car (after all the sanding)....and it's too cold for a car wash.
**Makes for crappy driving, icey roads, poor visability, snowbanks are blocking intersections, just very dangerous driving conditions.
**Many mail boxes on the road are either damaged or missing due to the snow plows, which leads to no mail.
**The poor deer are not getting much nourishment this year, as its hard to get around in all the snow.
**Cancellations like crazy!! We still have not had our Christmas program at church this year. Was planned for tomorrow, but not sure if its still on.
**Up until today, its been too cold to even be out and somewhat enjoy the snow. However, we are in for another cold front. -35, woohoo.
**Missing work cuz you cannot get out of your garage.....or the roads are closed. Good for me, bad for my paycheck.
**Cabin fever!!! I am lucky enough to be able to get to work. However, my parents for example, don't get out much due to all the snow, it's hard for my Dad to get around the snow with his scooter, so they just stay home. It's been a long winter for them. and we have a few months left.
**Theres nowhere to park on the streets, as it is filled with snow, and some streets are one lane traffic right now. We are running out of places to move snow to, so the cities are really having a hard time with all the snow. If anyone wants a truckload, come and get it!!
**Lastly, we are going to have one hell of a mess when all of this starts melting. I cannot even begin to imagine. ugh.
So, there you have it. My thoughts exactly on the snow we have been having this winter. Just think we only have 3 months left.
I am home alone tonight. Alex and Arthur are at my parents watching the AZ Caridnals on the big screen, and the University of ND Hockey game. Both teams are winning!! Yeah! The silence is beyond enjoyable. Noone barking, talking, I even have the TV on mute. It's great. Now, I am thinking it might be time for bed.
Hope you all enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Feeling better,


Anonymous said...

I hope this cold doesn't get the best of you. Get Well soon!

We are enjoying the snow in our neck of the woods.

Beth E. said...

Hope you feel better soon! You need to stay in bed and get plenty of rest...

Have you ever tried one of those sinus wash systems? They sell one at our CVS pharmacy. It's called SinuCleanse. They work great! I used to have chronic sinus infections. I hardly get them anymore since using the sinus wash. Check it out.

Take care, my friend...

Tonjia said...

you forgot one thing! Arthur says, a mini doxie can get lost in all of that white stuff. ;-)

Take care, feel better soon. think spring!

Tonjia said...

Rita, you have been tagged! :-)