Monday, August 4, 2008

Happiness at Our House..........

Happiness in our home is more then just getting a car, working 24+ hours of overtime, taking a week off of work for a little vacation.

Here's what makes Alex and I happy..............

Fresh from the garden...........mmm,mmm,mmm. I am impatiently awaiting my tomatoes to turn red. I have a ton of green ones, so I spose they will all turn red at the same time.

I was surprised to see these 2 new lillies when I got home today.....they are a different color then the previous ones, and I like them!! They have many potential blooms, so looking forward to more pretties.

And my Gladiola bloomed while I was away at work this weekend.

From our home to yours.........Hope you all have a happy week.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Beautiful lily's. Lily's are my favorite outdoor flower. I have the tomato and you have the cucumber. Oh I love cucumber's! To bad we don't live close we could share!!!

God Bless~