Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Christmas 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
A Recipe Post - Apple Juice
Boil the water and cream of tartar, and pour over the cut up apples.
Cover and let sit for 24 hours.
That was my project for the weekend, amongst many other little projects around the house....
Friday, October 9, 2009

It's Beginning to Look Alot Like........
My Uncle is recovering from his surgery very well. He had a few setbacks, nothing major,but is doing well now. I visit him a couple times a day, as he's in the same building!! So, thats been cool. Not sure if the nurses appreciate me, but I'm making sure they are on their toes taking care of him!!
Not much else is going on......will hopefully get another post up here before the weekend is over. Enjoy your weekend!!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Happy Fall!!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Prayers Please.....

Oreo, rest in peace buddy.
Also, keep in your prayers Angie. I have been following her Caringbridge website for over a year now, and she FINALLY will be recieving the heart transplant she's been waiting is the link to her site, if you wish to visit her. Also keep her donor family in your prayers.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Is it September Already??
My favorite and one of the many reasons I like going to Komo Park!! Isn't he just the cutest, I love this picture......he looks a little annoyed at all the visitors!!
I tried making pickles this year with some of my cukes......they look good, but I am not impressed as to how they taste. They are OK, just not what I had hoped for. I also made spaghetti sauce, love the Mrs. Wages mix, very good!!
Here's Alex in his FBLA gear.....he has been working on sorporate sponsorships and has not got all of his!! The officers need to get 3, and he got his last one this week.
Here he is on the first day of school. A junior this year, hard to believe....he's been keeping busy with school work and FBLA stuff. He was elected Local Secretary this week, so was happy about that.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Simply August
So far, we've been busy this month:
* we were in Minneapolis for 4 days this past week.
* Alex celebrated his 17th birthday on the 9th.
* my nephew Tyler turned 18 on the 5th.
* my sister will have a birthday tomorrow - not sure how old, just know that shes older then ME!!
* my nephew Taylor left for college, he's now part of the NCAA!!
* my 2 friends from high school were here this week to cool off at our home town pool!! they brought their little people and we all had fun!!
* Alex purchased his first laptop with his own money!!
* I've been busy outside trying to trim up some of my flowers....they are overgrowing my flower bed!!
* the list goes on.
I am back to work tomorrow after having the past week off. ugh. I love being at home, but miss the social aspect of work.
Hope you all enjoy the week!!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
North Dakota State Fair 2009
Here we have Sally the Camel......I believe you could actually have a ride on Sally for a small fee. I was riding on the tractor when I took this pic, so did not get any details.
Here is a pic looking down the midway where all the rides are at, for big people. I used to like some of the rides, but I have no interest in them now. I would rather spend my money on fresh squeezed lemonade, corndogs, etc...... This is also where all the scarey carney folks hang out trying to get you to play there dumb games to get a life size stuffed Sponge Bob.....just what I wanted!!??
This is where the little people hang out. They have a nice assortment of rides for little ones, and of course all the cheesey games, and scarey looking carnival workers.
With the State Fair, also comes the livestock. I was in the sheep/swine barn, so took a few pictures while there. (hope I don't get the "swine flu")
Here are the not so small pigs!!! Wow, what a life!! To think they are so tiny when they are born, and they grow up to look like this or in many cases larger!! Yikes!! That's about all I could take in the barn, the smell was about enough to knock me out!!
I hope you enjoyed the State Fair, as I did. For the record, this was the largest State Fair in ND to date. and....Taylor Swift had the largest crowd at our State Fair then any other concert she has performed at. How cool is that??
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Is It Really July 25th???
I have been busy at work. Seems like the place never slows down. I have picked up some extra call this summer, and I am happy to report that I'm done with that!! My flowers have been suffering lately, as I just have not had the time or energy to pull any weeds...but, they still look good!! I have recently started finding stuff for a garage sale......I need to have one real bad, and real soon.

I guess thats all the pics I have from his trip on my user....I will have to scan a few more and post them later. Enjoy!!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
We Have Another Trophy in the House
I just talked to him, and they had their pictures taken, and he was ready for some dippin dots. I think he's had a good time in LA, has spent some time at Disney, today, he relaxed and even took a nap.
Tomorrow they go to Universal Studios Hollywood, Hard Rock Cafe', and a tour of LA, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Rodeo Drive, and the Walk of Fame. Can't wait to see pictures!!
Have a great week everyone, my week is off to a great start and can only get better from here. I have a 3 day work week!!!
I will update more when Alex returns!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Have Fun & Good Luck!!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Seriously, Snow, It's JUNE!!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
June, Finally!!
With, June, brings the planting of many flowers!! The is one of may favorites, and I cannot wait til it fills out more. I have several other pots, but are not looking that great right now, I'm going to give them some time before snapping pics!!
Here's my nephew at his high school graduation. He's the only one looking at the camera. Thanks Taylor for the pose!!
Here's my Alex (in the suit) with Taylor at his open house.
This is a photo Taylor's received as a gift. Taylor's classmate Katlin passed away in a car accident the end of March, the photo shows his friend Katlin in the crowd, and Taylor playing basketball. Very nice keepsake for him.
Here is my nephew Nick from Minneapolis. I think he played pool the whole time during the open house.
And....sister Gillian. That's what Nick calls Gillian, Sister.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Graduation Day, 2009
Last night, I had 2 Graduation parties to go sons friend Tyler, he is also a neighbor to my parents and has been great help to them when needed. Tylers a great kid, moved here 3 years ago, has excelled in academic, music and sports. We were very lucky to have him as part of our community. He will also be joining Alex on his trip to Anaheim for the FBLA Conference in June.
One of my good friends from high school also graduated from college. It was actually her 2nd time with a degree, the other being many years ago. This year, she got her nursing degree!! YEAH Jodi !!! We had a surprise party for her at a friends house, and boy was she surprised!!
My oldest brother and family are here from Minneapolis. It was fun to see them. They have the youngest children in our family, and man, are they growing!! We have no more babies. :( They wil be here through tomorrow. They are still in school, so have to get back.
Alex finished his sophomore year on Thursday, and is now a JUNIOR!! Can't believe that. He's now preparing for the FBLA Conference, studying, studying, studying......he will be gone the 2nd week of June for leadership training, and will be leaving the 24th for Anaheim. He has a busy month ahead of him.
I have been staying busy at work. I just bumped up my hours, so now will not have a day off during the week. ugh. I am also picking up some extra call over the summer. With vacations, mat leave, and staff shortage, theres always a need. We've been getting quite a few applicants at the hospital from all over the US, due to cuts in other hospitals. I think right now, we have 10 openings for nurses, which is very unusual, it's normally 10 on each floor!! So, yeah for us!!
I better get going, was going to get outside and plant the few flowers that I have purchased. It's been too cold to plant anything, so have only purchased a few plants. I think we are in the clear for planting least I hope to.
Hope you all enjoy your long weekend. Will hopefully have pictures to post tomorrow!!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Special Day!!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Finally, an Update!!
It was an exciting day for us. My parents and I were able to attend the awards ceremony, so we got to experience the whole picture. It's a very professional organization, and you can sure tell by the way they had the awards. Very formal. (very long, as well)
With the nice temps we have been having, we have also been experiencing alot of flooding in the area. Alex was out of school today to sandbag some homes, and will most likely be sand bagging tomorrow, as well. Our home should remain safe.........cross your fingers.
That's all for today!! Hope you all have a great week!!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
We Live in a Crazy Place

Please post a comment if you stop by!!