Hope you all had a fabulous Easter. I spent my holiday at work. Was not too busy, but a very weird weekend. Happy it's over.....and look what I came home too........
My day lillies are coming out like crazy!!
and FINALLY, we have grass!!! We still had snow when I left on Friday, but after temps in the 50's the past couple days, I can finally say that our snow is GONE!!! Bye, Bye snow!! I still have a little snow in the back yard, but it is no longer a 6 foot drift.
Here he is after the awards ceremony.
It was an exciting day for us. My parents and I were able to attend the awards ceremony, so we got to experience the whole picture. It's a very professional organization, and you can sure tell by the way they had the awards. Very formal. (very long, as well)
With the nice temps we have been having, we have also been experiencing alot of flooding in the area. Alex was out of school today to sandbag some homes, and will most likely be sand bagging tomorrow, as well. Our home should remain safe.........cross your fingers.
That's all for today!! Hope you all have a great week!!
Wow, what a difference in the pics from the last update!! Glad to see all that snow is gone!!!
Congrats to your son. not sure what FBLA's are but I am sure it's good!! LOL.
Glad to see that you had blogged, was kind of worried about you!!
God Bless~
Debbie Jean
Welcome back,
Nice to see all the snow gone from your yard. My goodness, isn't green grass wonderful?
Congratulations to Alex...that's an awesome achievement, and what an HONOR! I know you are so proud of him. :o)
Glad that Spring has sprung in your area...it's a very slow process here!
Good to hear from you!
Congrats on your son's accomplishment! How exciting for him!
Hope the flooding doesn't get too out of hand! I will continue to keep your state in my thoughts and prayers as we get these warmer temps.
Hey! I'm glad ur out of the snow! It's been awhile since I've been on...but I'm trying to do more updates too! Maybe this spring weather will bring us back around to blogging! :) Congratulations to ur son also! I know u are proud!
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