Here we have Sally the Camel......I believe you could actually have a ride on Sally for a small fee. I was riding on the tractor when I took this pic, so did not get any details.
Here is a pic looking down the midway where all the rides are at, for big people. I used to like some of the rides, but I have no interest in them now. I would rather spend my money on fresh squeezed lemonade, corndogs, etc...... This is also where all the scarey carney folks hang out trying to get you to play there dumb games to get a life size stuffed Sponge Bob.....just what I wanted!!??
This is where the little people hang out. They have a nice assortment of rides for little ones, and of course all the cheesey games, and scarey looking carnival workers.
With the State Fair, also comes the livestock. I was in the sheep/swine barn, so took a few pictures while there. (hope I don't get the "swine flu")
Here are the not so small pigs!!! Wow, what a life!! To think they are so tiny when they are born, and they grow up to look like this or in many cases larger!! Yikes!! That's about all I could take in the barn, the smell was about enough to knock me out!!
I hope you enjoyed the State Fair, as I did. For the record, this was the largest State Fair in ND to date. and....Taylor Swift had the largest crowd at our State Fair then any other concert she has performed at. How cool is that??
I have some recipes to post, so hopefully tomorrow I will find some time. I got my housework done today, and if I can get my yard work done, I will post again tomorrow!!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Scary carney crack me up!
Looks like a fun day. Those were some impressive dark clouds, too! Did you get rained on?
I wish I could go to the fair. I love fair food. :op
Now I want a funnel cake!!!! Looks like fun and hope those dark clouds didn't make you wet!!! LOL
God Bless~
Debbie Jean
Good Friday Morning,
My husband is up in your neck of the woods. He works for an oil company and is up in North Dakota visiting some customers. The boys are camping and I am here with the three dachshunds. It is very quiet.
Hope your week is going well, can't believe today is Friday. Where did this week go. {:o)
Our state fair is coming up real soon! We try to go every year on my birthday. This will be the last year it's in Lincoln and it's moving to another city...a lot of people upset about it. So better enjoy it while it's close by! Have a great weekend!
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