Once again, I have been missing in action. No good excuses, just not making the time to blog these days. We've been extremely busy at work, which leads to one tired blogger by the end of the day!! However, I am always greeted by little Arthur when I walk in the door.....this is Art on Alex's first day of school. He was a little confused as to why Alex was up before noon and leaving the house looking all handsome.......(you will see that pic at the end of the post)
My favorite and one of the many reasons I like going to Komo Park!! Isn't he just the cutest, I love this picture......he looks a little annoyed at all the visitors!!
I tried making pickles this year with some of my cukes......they look good, but I am not impressed as to how they taste. They are OK, just not what I had hoped for. I also made spaghetti sauce, love the Mrs. Wages mix, very good!!
Here's Alex in his FBLA gear.....he has been working on sorporate sponsorships and has not got all of his!! The officers need to get 3, and he got his last one this week.
Here he is on the first day of school. A junior this year, hard to believe....he's been keeping busy with school work and FBLA stuff. He was elected Local Secretary this week, so was happy about that.
My vacation to Cancun cannot come any sooner!!! I leave on December 5th......cannot wait!! I would love to start packing now, but I think I do have time for that later!!!!!
Hope you are all enjoying your weekend. I am headed down to my crawl space to find my little tree to decorate for Fall.
Have a great week!!!
I'm sorry to hear about so much illness going on with your family and friends. I'll be praying for them.
I know you are so proud of Alex...he's such a handsome young man! Praying that he'll have a great school year.
Girl, you think it's rough going into your 40's...wait until the 50's! lol I've got some routine testing coming up on the 24th, that goes along with being in your 50's...a colonoscopy. Oh, joy....
Your friends will be in my prayers.
Susan +{:o)
Sorry to hear so much illness within your family. I'm heading for 53 this December and yes, things deteriorate so much faster now, especially my teeth!
Love that cottage! Memories of Hansel and Gretel!!!
Will be back soon to catch up on some earlier posts. Have a blessed weekend!
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