Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Cold Saga Continues.........

It's 40 below ZERO today blogger friends. The good new is that it is too cold to SNOW!! Woohoo, no shoveling for a day!!
I am off today, and will try to stay in and stay warm. Have a couple errands to run, but thats it. I will also be driving my son to school. I hate to see him walking when its this cold.
Have a great day everyone!!


Beth E. said...

With those temps, you might just have to use that snow to build an igloo!!! Brrrrr!

It's a balmy 12 degrees here, with a windchill factor of -20. Bring your bikini and come to see me! ;o)

Tonjia said...

this is absurd. keep little Arthur warm! (I know you will)