Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wish You Were Here??

Don't you wish you were here????


Anonymous said...

Too cold, I too live in ND, but we only had -30 this morning. LOL

Farmchick said...

20 mile difference between us and we were 8 degrees warmer---36 here. We are growing bananas over here! ha ha

Susan said...

What does your poor dog think of all this cold weather?
We had to watch the dogs very carefully when our temps. got below 0. It hurt their paws. :o(
We pray the warm weather gets to you soon.

Beth E. said...

Just looking at that temp takes my breath away. I can't imagine what it's like being in the middle of that weather you are experiencing!!!

Stay safe...stay WARM! Praying for you and your family...

Tonjia said...

how do you keep your pipes from freezing?