Alex and I went to town last evening, out to supper and to the mall for a bit. It's really beginning to look like Christmas in the mall. All the vendors that line the center of the mall, the decorations, holiday items, and my most favorite item of the season...........
And we couldn't forget our little Arthur.......he asked for the shirt, and he got it!! It was in the $2.50 section at Target. He went to bed with it on last night, but it was off this morning.
Hope you all enjoy your weekend. I am off to the Pride of Dakota Show. It's all crafty, food, wine, products made in North Dakota. It's really neat.
Hey! I was just looking at some of your blog posts and thought I would comment. Girl, I am so excited that it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas! I had the Christmas music cranking all day today! :) I also saw your snow pics...oh gosh I don't think I've ever saw that much snow! I know I haven't!!! I'm trying to make my "rounds" to some blogs that have caught my attention. I just started (actually re-started...the first time around I didn't keep up with it) my blog but I'm pretty excited about it!!! Enjoy your Christmas cookies and take care! Holly
Are ya coming to Christmas on the Prairie? You know we are having it two weekends this time.
Those cookies look delicious, and Arthur looks adorable. That is one stylin' dog you have there! :o)
Did you find some goodies at the fair? Love your holiday spririt dog. :) And my husband would love those oreos!!
those oreos are amazing arent they?
Enjoy the goodie show, your doxie looks adorable in his new t shirt!
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