Today, we have no school, no travel advised, roads actually closed, it's just bad!!! I would love to get out and actually take a photo of ALL the snow, however, there is no way out, so we have to just take pics from the door, and this is what I have today.
The snow up against my front window, nice, huh??
The snow up against my front window, nice, huh??
I think I am way beyond shoveling the snow myself. and its way beyond a snowblower, we need big stuff, hope I am able to find it today.
I saw Tania's pictures as well. You gals keep that snow up there! LOL I always feel sorry for the medical field that have to work around the clock because of bad weather. I had to do that once, not very fun! :)
WHOOOOOOOOOAH! I've never seen snow that deep before! Praying that you all stay safe and warm.
Oh wow, keep that stuff there!! I am so not looking forward to it here. Keep safe!! And warm!!
God Bless~
I CANNOT believe you have snow! I took pics today of the changing foilage down here in Louisiana! We wont' even see snow! Thanks for being a follower on my blog. Melanie
I can't even believe you have that much snow already! I live in Michigan and we don't get that much snow usually until January. I like the snow when its actually snowing but then I hate it when it gets dirty looking LOL. I hope you get all your snow shoveled! Stay warm!
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