Sunday, November 23, 2008
Thanksgiving Week 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Prayer Request!!!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas
And we couldn't forget our little Arthur.......he asked for the shirt, and he got it!! It was in the $2.50 section at Target. He went to bed with it on last night, but it was off this morning.
Hope you all enjoy your weekend. I am off to the Pride of Dakota Show. It's all crafty, food, wine, products made in North Dakota. It's really neat.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Still Here......
Just wanted to write and let you all know, we made it through the snow storm. I made it to work Saturday, finally. It was a rough weekend. I was on call for 48 hours and worked 37 of them. I'm still trying to get back to normal, I've given up on catching up on the sleep that I missed. Good news, we have another storm this week forecasted. Hooray!!
My Uncle from Clifton, Virginia is here this week. He flew in on Friday in the storm. Thank goodness we found a way to get him to my parents house. (it took a farmer and his payloader to make a path for him to get through town.) We have numerous snow banks all over town, it's crazy. The roads are horrible, I hate it.
That's all I have tonight. I have to get to bed, it's an early day tomorrow.
Enjoy the rest of the week!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Another Blustery Day
The snow up against my front window, nice, huh??
I think I am way beyond shoveling the snow myself. and its way beyond a snowblower, we need big stuff, hope I am able to find it today.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
My Poor Chair
Tomorrow, my son and I will go out and try to make a path so I can get to work. Thank good- ness I don't work until 1230 pm. So far, no school cancellations. However, Alex will be staying home until the path is clear. There is no way I can do this myself.
Have yourselves a great day.
Let is Snow Somewhere Else, please
Let it Snow, Let it Snow........
Our back yard......which is the catch all for alot of snow.
I just got in from shoveling the driveway and porch in the back yard. So far, we had about 6-8 inches, with alot of drifting. The bad's still snowing, and blowing. ugh. Now with my son having a job and all, I am the only snow shoveler in the house. (this may require finding a boyfriend.) Or better yet, perhaps I need to find someone with a snow blower, that I can pay to clean my driveway.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Alex's Confirmation went well. His party was good, too much food, of course. Below are some pics of the big day. When we got home from the church, everyone was crowded in the kitchen, so I hurried up and fed everyone, and then forgot to take pictures!!! I was so rushed, so I'm a little upset that I did not get many pics. I did get one of Alex and the cake, so thats good.
Halloween was fun...........there was a Huge Craft Show, so attended that, and got home in plenty of time for trick or treating. Alex had to work, so it was Arthur and I answering the door. (arthur is not fond of the door bell, so went crazy everytime someone came to the door, ugh)
On Saturday, Alex, my parents and I drove to Grand Forks (about 4 hours from here.) to attend my nephews Confirmation. The weather was awesome, (in the 60's....this is North Dakota!!) would have been a great day to stay home and put up Christmas lights. I'm hoping we will have a few more nice days to come. Alex and I did a little shopping in Grand Forks, I bought some ear buds for my Ipod that my fabulous friend Michelle gave me. (she won one) Yes, I am now hip and very cool with an Ipod.
Can't think of much else to report. Please keep little Kayleigh in your prayers as she has her heart surgery tomorrow morning. Poor little thing has been through so much.
Enjoy the pics!!
Some past Halloween Photos
Mr. Potato Head