Monday, October 6, 2008

I'm a Blog Slacker.........

I had many plans to blog this weekend, but the time went so fast. We were so busy the last couple days. Went shopping Saturday out of town, Sunday, I woke up and started cleaning out the garage in preparation for my sons Confirmation party. Was out there most the day, and have a huge pile of garbage!! I guess I am a last minute blogger before I head off to work.

Enjoy the following pics!!!!

I received my sign from Kindra the other day. I love it, and I know our Christmas will be much brighter this year because of it!! Head on over to her site and check out her creations.

Thought I needed a Fall wreath this year, so I made one. However, when I was cleaning the garage yesterday, I found one that I had made last year!! LOL Can you say..."I'm losing it??"

This is by far my favorite pumpkin this year. It grew on its side. Closer to Halloween, I will carve something creative in it.

Ahhh, homemade spaghetti sauce is what kept me busy last weekend. I am hoping to make more, as I have quite a few tomatoes left. (they are still green) The sauce it great, my son loves it.

This weekend, I started messing around with my photo options, editing, etc. This is a pic of my friends son. Thought it turned out pretty cool. I made her a copy and framed it.

That's all for today. I need to get going and get ready for work. Hope you all have a great Monday!!

Make it a Great Week,



Tonjia said...

Hi Rita, I am new to your blog. I found it through... someone elses blog. haha (I cant remember whose it was)

I notice your black and tan doxie, I have one just like him!

And I am a nurse....

the spaghetti sauce looks amazing. Happy fall! I'll bet you are having cool temps by now.

joanne said...

Well at least you haven't been slacking all around ;)

Beth E. said...

Your pics are great! The pumpkin is too cute, lying there as if to say, "Shhhh...don't tell anyone where I'm hiding...they're after me!" lol

The spaghetti sauce looks yummy...I wish I could reach right through the computer screen and get a jar...with your permission, of course! :o)

Have a great weekend...

Kindra-At Home With K said...

It's fun to see my sign in your home. That's what it's all about...bringing happiness to other people's homes. :)

I bet the homemade sauce is yummy! I wish I knew how to can. Have to think of ways to save $ these days. :(

Have a great weekend!