Sunday, September 14, 2008

Not Sure What Happened There......

Like I said, not sure what happened, but I hit something on my keyboard and WALLA!! my blog was posted!!! Not what I had intended. I did not proof read it or anything, so what you see is what you get today.
Hope you all have a great Sunday!! Have a fabulous week.



joanne said...

That happens to me more times than I will ever admit. I always thought I was doing some dorky thing to make it happen!!

Love the picture of you when you were little. I have never been to a rodeo (or had one pass by my front door) but I think it would be a lot of fun ;)

Enjoy your week, hope you get your cable back soon you can only watch that movie so many times you know before the dogs go crazy!

Kindra-At Home With K said...

The rodeo sounds like fun! But I wouldn't want their path outside my window...:)

I thought of you and Tania while on vacation...maybe you gals can roadtrip next year to Junk Bonanza. It was just fun to look at everything. :)

Have a great day!

Beth E. said...

Thanks for the tip about the blog site, Fresh From the Farm. I'm checking it out!