Here he is ready for school....(not sure which grade, my bad!) I do know that it was when we lived in Fargo.
And another in Fargo. Again, not sure which grade.
Look at him now!! This is not a first day of school, but was taken this summer when he was in Atlanta for the Nat FBLA Convention.
Now he's driving, has his own car, and doesn't really even need me around much anymore. However, I did have to wake up this morning and make him coffee. So, he does still need me!! He even walked to school today......rather then drive his car!! ( we are only a few blocks from school.)
That's all for today, I am off this morning, but will be on my way to work in a bit. (I'm on call)
Have a great day, and will be back later this week!!
Thanks for all the great comments!! Keep'em coming!!
Thanks for the birthday wishes. It means a lot to me.
Rest today for your on call evening!!
God Bless~
Oh how sweet and how sad all mixed together....they grow up so fast!
OM Gosh, Rita, I can't believe how little Alex is in those pics!! I remember when he was that age, very cute.
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