The first two pictures are in Grand Forks, ND. My oldest sister lives here, they are just waiting to see what happens. What a nightmare!!

It is amazing how people have come together to help everyone out during these tough times. My mother called me at work today to tell me that Northwest Airlines sent 2 of their largest planes to Fargo, ND to transport Nursing Home Residents to Bismarck. They are being housed at the University of Mary, and some were transported to the hospital/nursing home in Minot. They were in need of volunteers to help at the University, and I just heard from my sister that they have more help then they need. Isn't that great?? and then we have all the employees at the hospital/nursing home in Minot that are working extra to help out. The weather in ND may suck for 5 months out of the year, but we sure have GREAT people!!
Hope you all have a great weekend!!
Thanks for all the prayers.