Here are some recent pics of what you will find in my flower garden......and around my house.
This first pot, is by far my favorite!! It's a Black Eyed Susan Vine. Easy to grow, however
is thirsty all the time, it likes to play dead if I have not watered it.

Next, I have some Day Lillies. These are the ones the I replanted from my friends garden. I really did not think they would flower this year, but they have, and they look great!!
I planted this Day Lilly last summer, its a smaller version then the others. Very cute, first
time with flowers!!

Here is a close up of one of my Lillies.......very pretty. They are so easy to grow, not starving for water like my climbing plant. They are very easy to please, and will grow anywhere.

That's it for my Lillies this time. I am sure their days are numbered......I have some hostas I would have liked to post, however, I must have deleted them off the camera. I will post about them later this week.
We have had an OK weekend. Did not accomplish much, but did get some resting . We had horrible winds on Friday and Saturday to the point that we could not be outside without being completely annoyed. Today of course, was a nice day, however spent 1/2 the morning at church, from there went to town to go to the walk in clinic (ear problems, I'm fine now), then we went out to lunch, and then to Target to pick up a few items. By the time we got home, it was hot, and I had lost interest to everything I needed to get done outside today. I did get out this evening a little, so I don't feel completely useless. I also prepared a roast for dinner for tomorrow I just have to remember to put it in the crock pot before leaving for work in the morning.
Hope everyone has a great week.