Thursday, July 31, 2008

Alex's First Car..........

Yes, I said Alex's first car!!! It was just too good of a deal to pass up. (it ended up that I knew the owner) We've been looking for a couple months now, and everything was a piece of crap for too much $$ and a million miles. The nice ones we found were way too much $$$.

So, here it is, my Alex's first car..........

That's all for tonight.......just had to post and share another first of Alex's life!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Happy Hump Day!!

I love hump day, it's the half way mark to the weekend!! However, this weekend, I am on call, so will leave home Friday afternoon and not return until Monday afternoon. uughhh. Makes for a long weekend, but it also makes for one nice paycheck!!! I have fun Drs on call with me, so it will be a good weekend. I am off now until Friday afternoon, so will enjoy it to the fullest!! I heart days off!!!
My little Arthur (mini doxy) got into a little trouble this week. He thought it would be cool to eat a pound of lunch meat that my son left on the end table (he went to answer the door) This resulted in diarhea for the past 2 days........thankfully, most of his has been outside!! Right now he's mutilating (sp?) a breath mint rawhide. He loves those things, and I think his breath is better. Thank goodness. (I hate dog breath)

I was so excited today when leaving work.......I have been looking for a car for my son. (old, cheap, etc) Well, found one today. 98 Chevy Cavalier, 4 door, low miles, and only $2000!! BUT...talked to the owner tonight, the car does not have an air conditioner. :( Have not totally decided against it, however..........I guess we'll have to sleep on it. I was kind of disappointed. Where we live, it is more important to have a heater, but it is nice for a little AC.

Below is yet another pic of flowers.......enjoy, hope you all have a great night!!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Happy Sunday

I am a little early with this post, as it is Saturday night. Had a busy day today.....spent the evening at my parents house and now I should be in bed, but had a late afternoon nap, so not tired!!
I was able to get out and take a few pics outside today. We had some rain this week, so everything is growing like crazy. My cucumber plants have doubled in size, and we'll soon have cukes!!
This is a Gladiola in the should bloom within the next week. I was surprised to see it today, as it has not been looking good all summer.

Not real sure what this's been growing behind my shed every summer since we've moved here. It's very pretty but grows very tall.

One of my full bloom. (it's the only one blooming today.....)

This is my back yard.........needed something to take up space, so planted some chocolate mint. That also has gone crazy since the rain we had this week. Not real sure what choc mint is used for, but it smells good, and takes up space in a shaded area.

Lastly, my cute little cucumber!! We actually have several, this is just the biggest. It's about 2 inches long. We are looking forward to many cukes.

That's all for tonight!! Hope you all have a great Sunday!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Another Day........

It's Friday. Not much is going on here, just having a quiet evening at home. Doing a little cleaning, washing clothes, trying to make my list for tomorrow smaller!!
We've had a good week. However, I found my self extremely tired....not sure if it was the heat, or me just working too damn hard at work!! Hmmm......we were very busy at work, as well. :)
Not sure what tomorrow will bring. We may possibly go back to the State Fair, go into town for some shopping, or we've also been invited to my friends lake place. Before we do anything, I will be cleaning house!!! It has been ignored for a few weeks now.
Please keep my friend Mark in your prayers this week. He had a tumor removed from his voice box this week. Still waiting for pathology reports........I'm sure he's going crazy by now, as he cannot talk for 4-6 weeks.
That's all for tonight. Hope you all enjoy my "new look". Please be sure to leave a comment so I know you stopped by!!
Have a great Saturday!!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Note to Self & Others Who May Listen

This past weekend, my son and I went to the ND State Fair. I haven't been to the fair for 2 years, so thought I better get there, just in case something at the fair had changed....(nothing has changed....) Same shit, different year. Anyway, I was so hoping to have an indian taco. Well, come time to have something to eat and the line to the indian taco place was about 15 people deep. (I won't wait in line to use the rest room, much less to get a calorie filled treat) So, I opted for a homemade corndog. (normal size, not the footlong) The cheese curd line was very long, as well, so cancelled that out of my plans, as well. Back to the indian taco. I told Alex when we left, we would go to WalMartha and get a few groceries on the way home. Still craving the indian taco, I bought the ingredients to make them. Yes, I purchased ground beef from WalMartha!!! That was by far the largest mistake, waste of money I have ever spent. The meat was horrible.....reminds me of something I would see on Hallies website. DO NOT buy meat products at WalMartha......I never have and never will again, I promise. I was just too damn lazy and tired to stop at a real groc store.
Not much else is new here. My son & I took my mother to Bismarck last week for the day.....went to see my sister and watch her kid play baseball. Enjoyed the afternoon on the pontoon, which was enjoyable. Also got some school shopping done for the Alex. Jeans, the dreaded jeans.........he wore the ones I bought him last year all year, so that must mean his growing is slowing down a bit......and his shoe size is still the same. Size 12.
I am off to bed. Was up late last night and up way to early this morning, and looks like I am replaying it tonight.
Have a great day everyone!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

My Growing Garden

Here are some recent pics of what you will find in my flower garden......and around my house.

This first pot, is by far my favorite!! It's a Black Eyed Susan Vine. Easy to grow, however
is thirsty all the time, it likes to play dead if I have not watered it.

Next, I have some Day Lillies. These are the ones the I replanted from my friends garden. I really did not think they would flower this year, but they have, and they look great!!

I planted this Day Lilly last summer, its a smaller version then the others. Very cute, first
time with flowers!!

Here is a close up of one of my Lillies.......very pretty. They are so easy to grow, not starving for water like my climbing plant. They are very easy to please, and will grow anywhere.

That's it for my Lillies this time. I am sure their days are numbered......I have some hostas I would have liked to post, however, I must have deleted them off the camera. I will post about them later this week.

We have had an OK weekend. Did not accomplish much, but did get some resting . We had horrible winds on Friday and Saturday to the point that we could not be outside without being completely annoyed. Today of course, was a nice day, however spent 1/2 the morning at church, from there went to town to go to the walk in clinic (ear problems, I'm fine now), then we went out to lunch, and then to Target to pick up a few items. By the time we got home, it was hot, and I had lost interest to everything I needed to get done outside today. I did get out this evening a little, so I don't feel completely useless. I also prepared a roast for dinner for tomorrow I just have to remember to put it in the crock pot before leaving for work in the morning.

Hope everyone has a great week.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Great News!!

First off, my son Alex made the local paper for his achievements at the National FBLA convention. That was pretty exciting. My friends daughter Rylee actually made the front page for 4th of July activities. I'm sure Alex was impressed with that!!
A few posts ago, I told you about my friends daughter Megan. She had suspicious lymph nodes on a recent PET scan. The biopsy they did on the 3rd, came back NEGATIVE!!! Woohoo, she is still recovering, however, is doing well. Angel Murray is watching over his little girl. :)
I have been sorting photos on my computer tonight. Yikes, what a time consuming job!! I think I am done, for now. I will post some pics of the Lilly Pad this weekend.
Have a great week!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

A Day at the Zoo.......

After a crazy weekend, and not much time spent with my Alex, we left from home around 4 pm, went out for pizza, and went to the Zoo. We have such an awesome zoo, we both love it. The following pics are from our little adventure. I think Alex took well over 100 pics!!!

This is Sally the camel, with a floppy hump!!

Alex standing by the otter exhibit. The otters were sleeping.

The bengal tiger was pacing back and forth while we were there.

The PENGUINS!! This is by far my favorite to visit. I remember when the Zoo first go them.

Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see??

That's our visit to the Zoo, we have a ton more pics, but having the time to download them all is another story.

Have a great week!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!!

Happy 4th of July!!

As many of you already know, I am also celebrating my 20 Yr High School Reunion!! The following are pics from this morning prior to the parade.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My Boy is Back..........

Just wanted to post a pic of Alex at the airport last night......holding his 6th place trophy!! He was smiles all the way home........