Sunday, April 27, 2008

A New Week......

Hey there blogger friends!! Sheesh, 2 posts in 2 days, now that has to be a record for me. Not much going on here......went to church in the morning, came home, made a quick lunch and headed to Minot to see my Dad. He is doing very well, and has gained back alot of strength that he has not seen in some time. He's looking to come home very soon. I would say by Wednesday he will be back home. He had a couple of other visitors while we were there, so that helps the mood a little. This stay has been a much better stay then the previous stay on 5th floor. :)

No big plans for the new week. We have a couple of track meets to attend and a baseball game. My big brothers birthday on May 2nd, I am not even sure how old he will be. 40 something?

The picture is of my niece and nephew with their prom dates. The guy at the end on the right side, lost his home in a fire the night of the prom. Fundraisers are being held to help him get back on his feet. Sounds like a very nice kid.
Thats all for tonight. Have to get ready for Desperate Housewives.
Have a great week,

Saturday, April 26, 2008

What happened to April??

Wow, it's been sometime since I have posted. It's been crazy busy around here, and I for one have enjoyed my day off today.
Last Saturday, we had to send the ambulance over to my Mom and Dads house to take my father to the hospital. He was very weak, and was talking a little crazy. He had a CAT scan, xray of his heart and a ton of blood work. He had a bad infection, that also went into his blood stream. So, our days have been spent at work, at the hospital, and answering many phone calls as to how he's doing. I have had sleepness nights worried about him and how well he's going to recover from this. (he also has MS) He is in rehab now to gain what strength he had back. We're hoping for a speedy recovery.
Alex has been doing awesome. He's looking forward to the last days of school. The last day is May 21st, however, he does not have to take finals, so he may be done a few days early. He has been busy fundraising for his trip to Atlanta. They leave in less then 2 months.
We did find time to watch a couple new movies since my last post. Tonight I watched August Rush. A must see.....kind of hard to follow in the beginning, but gets better, so just wait! Last weekend, we watched Juno. Another good one. Only a few more days til 27 Dresses comes out on DVD. :)
Not much else has been going on. Hope you all have a super weekend.

Thinking Spring,
Rita, Alex & Art

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Feels Like Spring!!

Just thought I would sit down a blog for a few moments before I head to bed. I get to stay up past 9 pm tonight, as I don't work until 12:30 pm tomorrow. woohoo, I get to sleep in !!! When you're up most days by 4:45 am, sleeping til 7:30 Am is a God send. Makes for one happy ME!!In my last post, I told you that my son took 3rd place at State FBLA. Well, the excitement sure did not stop there. He found out the next day that he will be going to the National FBLA Convention in Atlanta the end of June. He is excited beyond belief. This really has been a confidence booster for him, as he has been a different kid the past 2 weeks. This week, he is in a Math competition in Minot. He's been having Math practice for the past month before and after school, so he should do well.

We were able to get outside today for some much needed yard work. There's still a ton left to do, but we got a few things done. It was such a nice day with NO wind. Not much else is going on here.......had a nice weekend, no stress, lots of R & R.

Hope you all have a great week. Enjoy the pics of Alex and his glory!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

3rd Place!!

Just a quick entry here...........Alex was to Bismarck this week for the State FBLA Convention. He took 3rd Place in his event.......policies and principles of FBLA. There were 50 + kids who participated, so he did very well. He was the only individual that placed in his class. I will post pics in a couple days when he gets his suits back. The bus broke down, so they had to leave all their bags in Bismarck
Until then, have a great week!!