Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!!

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!! We spent the afternoon with my parents and a few of their friends. Went to church in the morning, enjoyed a nice crowd. My brother was an usher at his church this morning, and had over 1200 people at the service he was at. (they had 5 services at his church.) WOW. I don't think we have that monthly.
ok, the pic of Alex is not the best pic that I took of him today, but will have to do, as I cannot figure out how to get rid of it!!
Have a great week!
Rita, Alex and Art

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hoppy Easter!!!

Just thought I would share a few pics from the last week. Most are from the UND Hockey game last weekend. Please note the awesome Ralph Englestad Arena....and how fabulous it is. Mind you, due to the Natives against the Sioux nickname, the arena may be torn down if they have to change the name of the Sioux. Sad, sad deal.
Hope you all have a super Easter Weekend!!!!!!!!!
Rita, Alex, & Arthur

Friday, March 21, 2008

A White Easter....???

OK, OK, I always dream about a white Christmas, but a white Easter?? Woke up today with the ground covered with SNOW!!! (our snow was gone...) Not much appreciated, as I wanted to get a little yard work done today, NOT snow shoveling.
I am off today, so will be busting out the baking supplies and making some sugar Easter cookies. Until then, have a great day!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Farm Chic in the Making.........

Hey there, just thought I would sit down and blog some before the night is over and the weekend starts. We've had a busy/crazy week. Alex and I both left work/school early yesterday with horrible headaches. I was on the 2nd day of mine, his started right after lunch yesterday. So, it was time to bring out the Advil PM. After a couple doses of that, we were both feeling fine.

Last night, I was cleaning out the fridge, and got a little creative........I had some left over taco meat, salsa and a few other fixens........So, I threw it all in a pan with a few extra ingredients and made Taco Soup, Rita Style. It actually turned out quite well, I hope I can remember my recipe so I can make it again. I also made Farm Chicks tortilla strips, from her blog site. They were awesome.

I was off today. Alex had an eye appointment to get contacts at 11. He did very well. Got the contacts in and out and back in and we were on our way to Applebees by 11:20. When we got home, he was able to take them out without too many problems.

This weekend, Alex and I will be going to Grand Forks for a UND Hockey Game. The playoffs start on Friday, so we will take in game 2 of the playoffs. I'm looking forward to spending some time with my oldest sister, Renae.

The pic is of Alex on my bed.......he's modeling my new comforter, and paint job. Of course, he covers up most the bed.

Thats all for now......have to get to bed. Enjoy the weekend!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Extreme Team

Many of you have already heard that Heritage Builders out of Fargo, have been asked to participate in yet another Extreme Makeover Home Edition. Right now they are in New Orleans, where the Makeover will take place. These are the same guys that assisted with the Bliven Home in Minot for their Extreme Makeover.
You can follow their journey on
They also have some utube videos where you can see my boyfriend Edwardo. (sp?) it looks like they have all of the designers on this trip. They are also building a church. This is the final episode of the 50 States.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Action Starts Here.............

Wow, yet another blog. I just had to write and tell you about the fabulous product I purchased the other day........Scrubbing Bubbles Action Scrubber. It's a bathtub and shower cleaner and man, does it ever work nice. Of course, you do have to put a little bit of effort behind it, but your tub/shower will come out with a brilliant shine. (see pic)

So, now I want you all to run out to the nearest WalMart, Target, whatever you have and get the Action won't be disappointed!!

I am off to more of my domestic duties, then its time for a walk. It's over 50 degrees here today!!