Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Leap Year...........

I have been reminded a few times this week that I need to update my blog. So, here I am, updating my blog.

I hope you have all been "leaping for JOY" today. (Leap Year) I have not been doing too much leaping, however, I had an awesome day at work, went to the gym, and now I am in my favorite place.....HOME!! I actually went to the gym 4 times this week. Yikes, I think I am becoming addicted. hmmm....maybe not.

Last weekend I finally had the time to paint my bedroom. I have now painted every room in the house, excluding the laundry room. (which will never be done) I will post pics when I have the room completely finished.

The above pic is of my newly purchased Easter Decor.......I thought they were so cute and knew I could do something with them, and they were only 99cents a piece!!
This weekend, we have no definate plans. The Class B Girls BB Tourney is on TV, so will most likely be watching the games. Right now we are watching Botno vs HMB, and Botno is winning. uughhhh.
That's all the blogging for now, will post another blog later this weekend.
Have a super weekend!
Leaping for Joy,

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Nice Weekend.......

Here we are again........Sunday night. Man, how I hate Sunday nights!! Alex and I did make it to Fargo on Friday. Did some shopping, met up with some friends for dinner at the Timberlodge and got a little R&R in at the motel. We got to meet Miss Marleigh for the first time, she was born Dec 20th. Alex thought she was pretty neat and was wondering how the heck we could get her home with us without them noticing........we came up with nothing. Marleigh went home with Emily and Mel, as they had planned. (the above photo is of Marleigh) Good news though, they are moving closer to us, so we're hoping we'll have more chances to hang with Marleigh in the near future. We also had time to visit my niece at the salon that she manages. Very nice place, she has an awesome massage room, and facial area. Of course, we couldn't walk out of there without a ton of hair care products. We had a good time, woke up Saturday not feeling great, so got up, finished what we had left to do and went home.

We were very happy to get home.........Arthur had been watching out my Mom and Dads window for over an hour prior to us coming home. This morning, we went to church, Alex went to church school and I went home to pack our bags for the gym. Well, we went to get gas, and were ready to leave, when it started snowing and blowing like crazy!!! We decided to stay home where it was warm........I had enough driving in crappy weather this weekend in Fargo/Grand Forks. I am getting very TIRED of this weather. (huge sigh)

I made my yummy lasagna for dinner today. Took some over to the Florences this afternoon and had a nice visit. They are doing OK.......can't believe its been 4 weeks already.

Well, thats all for tonight........Extreme Makeover is on, so I gotta run.

Have a great week.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day Fellow Bloggers!!!!!!
Hope you all have a day filled with Love & Friendship.........
Our V-Day plans have been postponed due to the weather. I have one very unhappy Valentine at my house. He very much wanted to go to Fargo today.........maybe tomorrow it will warm up??

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Yes, that's right.........Alex was to the dentist on Monday, and got an excellent report from Dr. Greer. She says he has gorgeous teeth!!! She did remind him that in a couple years, he will have to have his wisdom teeth removed, but other then that, everything is great. Just think, 2 weeks ago, we lost our dentist unexpectedly, and now, we have over 11 dentists from Minot taking his place until the practice is sold. They are all volunteering their time, and will see no profits, it all will go to the practice. What an amazing group of Dentists!!
That's all for now, I have to run and get a few things done around the house.
Enjoy the rest of the week,

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Super Bowl Sunday............

There's 1 minute left of the Super Bowl. I would imagine it will be the longest minute of my life. We'll see if I can finish this blog entry before the game is over. LOL

We've had a good weekend. I felt a little under the weather yesterday, but after some R&R, I am feeling pretty good. I am all ready for my stint at the gym my bag packed, alarm set, now I just need to get to bed!!

Last night I met with 3 other classmates to discuss our 20 year reunion. We had a good time visiting.........oh and planning the 3 day event!!! It should be a ton of fun and I hope we have a good turn out.

Shoot, the Giants made a touch down.

The photos are of my sons room. I painted it a few weeks ago. I think it looks great, now I have to work on my room. It's so much work, but it really needs to be done. Will post those pics, when the time comes. Can't wait!!

We have a busy couple of weeks ahead of us. This week, my parents are leaving for Minneapolis, where my father will be having a stand up MRI. I am on call, so will be taking Alex and Arthur to Minot with me, and staying at a motel. Could be I always have busy weekends. The next week, Alex and I are going to Fargo for a couple days. He's out of school the 14th and 15th, and I am off. Between the 2 weekends, we have teacher conferences, a weeknight of call, cupcakes to be made for FBLA, BB games, gym workouts, speech therapy, oh and a few loads of laundry..........uuggghhh, I don't like being that busy.

Thats it for tonight..........the Patriots lost, sadly.
Have a great week,