Once again, we have below ZERO weather. As I type this, it is -7, not sure what it is with the wind. Probably, -20?? It will be a long weekend at home, staying warm. :(
Last weekend, I painted Alex's room. No more white walls for him. I will post pics, when we get everything back up on the walls. My room is next, not sure whats going to take place there.
Alex got his report card this week. Once again, did very well. He studied very little this 9 weeks, and still did well. Alex is a very anxious boy, and gets very nervous about his grades, so this quarter, we decided to not worry about them and just do the best he can. After all was said and done, he tells me he didn't study for his math final. He got a 46/45!! He will be going to Bismarck in March for the State FBLA competition. Got the dress code today. Guess we will be purchasing some more dress clothes and dress socks........that will be interesting.
Arthur got a new coat last week. He's now sporting an Eddie Bauer down coat. Noone else in the house has an Eddie Bauer coat, but Arthur does!!! Spoiled?? He hates the cold, but still has to sniff around outside before he goes potty. I am wondering if he will ever learn??
Well, I am off to go snuggle with my furry friend, Art. Have a great weekend!!
Stay Warm,
Rita, Alex and Art